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I learnt as I bleed.
Nothing is easy becos
you're my bad habit;
i couldn't bear kicking
Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 10:54 PM

im feeling real great when i reach home always and see ashton smiling so sweetly, tryna cling ont me so badly and if i step int the house w/o acknowledging him, he will cry and scream like i just chop his dick -.-'' Thou at times, his cries are very noisy and irritating (always dont know how t choose timing) but its really so nice and sexy most of the times. Its feeling really good cos he shows how impt imma t him and it really pays all my hard work. Just magically great deep down inside & now, just few days back he claps his hands. I swear its uber cute !!!!!! Prolly becos since birth i keep singing nursery rhymes and as he grows older i make him see how i perform clapping and stomping :) Then now, he can recognise whats that when i sing '' if you happy and you know you clap your hands'' CLAP! CLAP! and he will clap :) idk why but only when i sing or ask him t clap, he like uber high. lol
I S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y LOVE THIS SON VERY MUCH. ! & now, im waiting for mac again. omfg,tsk.

happy 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010, 1:11 AM

Brought ashton t marina square t shop for his feeding high chair, in the end no stock and bought many rubbish back -.-'' Keep saying wanna buy him things but in the end i think it seems like for myself. lol :x spend almost 2 hours editing my blog, thou of changing URL as its kinda very long, so now i took away the 'takea' lol, i know its very really uber lame :D my eyes shutting any moment and my butt is giving way cos the darn chair is f hard.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 5:31 PM

new year's around the corner !! :D ashton turning 9 months ! Im gonna have a long weekend off dayssss and im gonna be real broke very soon. I wanna simplify my blog, but im just so lazy t start cos i know i wont finish on time as im gonna fetch ashton really soon and im feeling so nua. Gonna get him a high chair tmr and im cursing myself not t spend any other things. Cant control myself especially eyeing on things for him, bought another 4 mini toddler boxers for him today (hands itchy). When i flip back those pages of my organiser, i realised 80% of my money goes t him & now the whole big half of his cupboard are new clothings and some keep until now toooo small -.-'' ! & outta the 80% of money , 20% is spend on cab fare. Omfg! idk why i cant force myself t wake up earlier every morning. god darn me &@%@^#&!&*@&@3

Wednesday, December 23, 2009, 10:12 PM

im pretty irritated by humilations, not impact on me but ppl around. I just cant f understand why ?????? Maybe thats not the right term t use, but i cant think of anything better. Ashton's been a lil naughty boy recently, he's being really hyper-active & i mean really !!! Getting heavier each day that my arms ache after every goodbye from infant care. Rushing like a mad women everyday cos im always late ~ :(
Point fingers t ashton cos he always wants me t entertain him till wweeee hours at night and can wake up like every spilt second. Im turning really zombie !!! Thank god he's asleep and can you imagine his caregiver praised him for sleeping 2 hours today which is totally normal you can find in most of the babies. He crawls and climbs every corner he can reached for, touches and takes everything he eye for and the best part is he can sleep with his eyes shut and smile at everything he hears and opened his eyes at the slightest thing you could ever hear -.-'' awesome :) i guess he's learning t clap his hands now but it seems it ended up always punching his own tummy. lol

Santa's coming and i wish that you can take good care of my lil boy !!

ps: if imma allow t greed for another, i pray you could take away those tears my girlfriend(s) shed.

Friday, December 11, 2009, 12:43 PM

very moody now, but when i switched on the com and see ashton pictures. omfg, i cant stop smiling t myself like one retarded. Brought ashton t bay spa on wed, he dint cry at all and dear was saying he cfm wont cry one cos he loves water like dont know what. He like stoned stoned cos the whole night only sleep like 5 hours, keep waking up and cry. Then he managed t bear inside the tub for 30 mins, and start screaming. lol, will bring him soon again prolly next week :) im gonna sort my pictures cos its all over the place all over the folders, im fu*king unorganised and i bloody always use ashton's making me worn out as an excuse. LOL @!! & now, i feel like lazing ard. I still have like 100 pictures yet t upload but im just so NOT-motivated t do so despite him being soooo lovely. i think the problem lies with me not ashton -.-'' i yet t update nana's wedding, yet t update our outing ............... & still, BYE !!!!

my motivation
Friday, November 20, 2009, 2:04 PM

i shall and should really share ashton's pictures already. Yuppie ! fever subsided but rashes all over body now, some say allergy some say its common t have rashes outbreak after fever. hmmmmm ~ ok.

, 1:47 PM
u're still at your lovely 21! cherish it!! once its gone it will b gone! A lovely long-lost friend just say this t me. Somehow or rather, it really seems pathetic when someone living so apart from you still cares about you and someone so near never seems t even bother. Its also glad that at least there's still people who's around making me feel less pathetic & its pretty contradicting here. Sighs, im just toooooo bored for anything and can the rain stop pouring??? its making me drownsy -.-''

happy 21st
Thursday, November 19, 2009, 9:52 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY T MYSELF ! :) i seriously hope it will be a better year for me. no special wish anymore, just hoping that my dear lil son will grow well and healthy & i think thats what make a mom, everything now is diverted t lil precious.
& ashton's fever subsided, i hope it will cont this way. He's now growing his 3,4,5 upper tooth tgt. Omg he have a total of 5 teeth, infant caregivers say that its a bit toooo fast for him, as he got he both lower tooth when he was almost 5 months, and now just 7 months going t have 55555555555555555 !!!! The wonder he's been rather cranky and fever just doesnt wanna shoooooooo away from him. Thank god, it was better ytd, maybe because my birthday. hahaha lol !